Leica D-Lux 6 Photogallery
Short Leica D-Lux 6 photogallery from photos created with Leica D-Lux 6 those perfectly represents Leica quality in a compact camera file format. This is my replace from sold D lux 4.Its outstanding zoom lens and the versatile abilities for creative digital photography make it the perfect photographic camera for capturing motivating moments – inside the typically brilliant picture quality you expect from Leica. This new extremely fast contact makes it particularly suitable for available-light photography and creative testing with planes associated with focus and depth of field. Its full-HD video recording capability and numerous manual setting choices can also offer even more creative freedom.

New features of the D-Lux 6:
•Newly designed lens with an aperture range of f/1.4-2.3 from an equivalent focal range of 24-90mm.
•CMOS sensor (versus a CCD in the D-Lux 5) for better high ISO performance
•High resolution, 920,000 pixel 3-inch LCD screen (compared to 460,000 pixels on D-lux 5).
•Aperture ring around the lens for quick, intuitive adjustment
•Stereo microphone with full 1080p video recording
•3-stop neutral density filter built in (for shooting in bright light at f/1.4)
•Built in spirit level to assure perfect composition
•Faster burst shooting, up to 11 frames per second
•Improved build quality and streamlined design
•Improved operational speed and focusing
Turn the camera around and from the entrance, they appear almost the same, other than the D-Lux Six being slightly older. Surrounding the lens of the D-Lux 6 is the fresh aperture ring. Familiar to anyone coming from a more substantial SLR or rangefinder camera, the aperture diamond ring allows for quick and definitive aperture settings in either aperture concern or full guide book mode. Take my advice by leaving it at f/1.Some, you won’t regret it! It’s also important to mention that the particular aperture ring will not affect the camera’s aperture settings within Program Mode, Shutter Goal Mode, or Auto Mode. It requires the camera to stay either Manual or Aperture Priority mode.
Just like its forerunners, the new Leica D-Lux 6 combines classic elegance along with premium materials.
Done completely in dark, only a few chromed elements collection discreet counterpoints and refine the clarity of their design. A true Leica — at first sight. Nonetheless, its premium-quality character just isn’t defined by design alone. Its silky-smooth, black anodised outdoor encases a rugged and compact metal body which ensures both sturdiness and excellent grip.